Services: Infrastructure Support & Capabilities
Wind Resource Assessment
Inox Wind has carried out meso scale mapping pan India to identify sites suitable
for wind farms.
Inox Wind has installed wind masts across multiple states in India for continuous
wind data monitoring.
Based on detailed wind resource assessment, a significant land bank has been
identified and acquired are in advanced stages of acquisition.
Besides in-house wind resource assessment, estimated generation and wind data
analysis is cross verified through renowned international consultants.
Inox turbines have been designed after extensive study of wind regime availability
and climatic conditions across various Indian sites.
Land Sourcing
Due to the typical nature of wind projects, wherein one WTG has to maintain optimal
distance from the other, such projects are spread over a large tract of land so as
to harness the wind potential of that area efficiently.
Based on the results of wind resource assessment, typical areas of interest are
analyzed including wind potential, availability of evacuation infrastructure, nature
of land availability, accessibility, ease of movement of the WTG including
accessories (logistics). With the help of various softwares available, micro siting
(or placement of the WTG for optimal energy production) is conducted and lands are
identified for sourcing.
This is done by our subsidiary, Inox Wind Infrastructure Services Limited’s Land
Resource Team, under continued advise from the Wind Resource Team,land is acquired
for the WTG, pathway, setting up substations provide turnkey solutions.
Infrastructure development
Wind Farm identification which includes wind resource assessment, energy assessment
of site, identification of land etc.
Power evacuation which includes study of power evacuation, finalization of
evacuation grid substation and land or right of way for the transmission line.
Infrastructure development which includes development and construction of
infrastructure for wind farm, land development to enable installation of WTGs
Inox Wind constructs substations to ensure uninterrupted power evacuation, highest
grid availability, and minimal electrical line losses throughout their life cycle.
Inox Wind builds infrastructure well in advance, including roads, pathways,
pavements and platforms with emphasis on high levels of quality, strength and safety
for erection activities.
Installation and commissioning
Support for all government approvals including statutory approvals to install and
operate the wind farm, support in connection with PPAs or WBAs with state
distribution companies.
Engineering procurement and construction which includes manufacturing of major
components of WTG, tower foundations, supply, erection and installation of turbines,
pre-commissioning and commissioning of WTGS etc.
Post commissioning support which includes support for renewable energy certificates,
generation based incentive and clean development mechanism.